2024-2025 School Supply Lists
Select your student's grade level from the list below.
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 4th & 5th Grade
- K-2 Success Class
- Mr. Hartman's - SAIL
- Mrs. Perkins - SAIL
1 backpack (No wheels or retractable handles), large enough to hold a 9x12 folder
2- 9x12 two pocket folders. Please put your child’s name on the folders. (No plastic folders, no prongs)
12 Elmer’s glue sticks
1 pk “My First Ticonderoga” pencils
1 box Crayola colored pencils, 12 ct.
4 box Crayola crayons, 24 ct.
2 packs Crayola markers, 10 ct. Bold line, basic colors
$6.00 for Scholastic News (Pay online through MySchoolBucks)
1 package of unscented baby wipes
1 pack quart size freezer bags, 40ct.
1 pack gallon size freezer bags, 40 ct.
1 small bottle UNSCENTED hand sanitizer
1 bottle of liquid hand soap, about 8 to 10 oz.
1 change of clothing to leave in the backpack or cubby
Please do not send extra supplies at this time. We have many fun projects throughout the school year, and we may be asking for donations for those projects at a later date.
*Kindergarten students will be doing some “homework” and other projects at home. We strongly suggest that as you do your supply shopping you set up a “Homework supply basket” with similar items to have on hand.
1st Grade
Please put your student’s name on these supplies:
- 1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
- 1 box Ticonderoga brand pencils
- 1 pair of Fiskars scissors
- 2 boxes of Crayola crayons (24ct)
- 1 pencil/supply box
- 2 pocket folders
- 2 wide rule composition books-no spiral (Bennett's class only)
- Backpack
- $6.00 Scholastic Magazines (to be paid online through MySchoolBucks)
Community Supplies – do not label:
- 2 large pink erasers
- 2 large box Kleenex
- 1 box of quart size Ziploc bags
- 3 pack GIANT glue stickets (Hillis’s Class only)
- 1 – 12 pack Broad tip Crayola markers (Hillis’s class only)
*No 3-ring binders, trapper keepers, or mechanical pencils
2nd Grade
- 1 pencil/supply box
- 1 Scissor
- 2 wide ruled composition notebooks-no spiral notebooks, please!
- 1 plain folder
- 2 dozen Ticonderoga pencils
- 2 boxes (24) Crayola crayons
- 1 box-colored pencils
- 1 box washable markers
- 1 box of fine line Crayola markers
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 4-pack black Expo dry erase markers
- 2 black sharpies
- 1 large box facial tissues
- 1 box quart size Ziploc bags
- 1 box gallon Ziploc bags
- 1 tub of Wet Wipes
- 1 standard size backpack-no wheels or handles, please!
3rd Grade
1” binder with dividers and pencil pouch
- 2 dozen black Ticonderoga pencils to share
- 1 pink eraser
- 3 spiral notebooks (Science, Writing Journal, Reading Journal)
- 1-1” binder w/dividers
- 1 pencil pouch
- 2 plain two-pocket folders
- 1 24 ct. pack of colored pencils
- 1 pack of crayons
- 1 box of Kleenex to share
- 1 highlighter
- 1 bottle glue
- 1 Scissor
- 1 set of headphones or earbuds
4th & 5th Grade
- 3 dozen #2 pencils with erasers
- 2 inch binder
- 3 pink erasers (more if able to donate to classroom)
- 24 multi-colored pencils
- 3 large boxes tissue/Kleenex (last name A-L)
- 6 glue sticks (last name A-L)
- 3 highlighters: pink/green/yellow (last name M-Z)
- 6 two-pocket folders (plain, without fancy covers)
- 2 college ruled spiral notebooks
- 2 composition notebooks (see image below)
- 1 supply box (to travel during rotations)
- 1 backpack/book bag (must fit inside of locker)
- 1 covered personal pencil sharpener
- 1 set of headphones/earbuds in a baggie; label with student name
- 1 packages of college ruled loose-leaf paper
- 1 reusable water bottle with lid that seals to prevent spills (no straws)
- 24 count or greater container of crayons
- 3 dry erase markers
- 1 package of bleach/Lysol disinfecting wipes (last name A-L)
- 1 sharable container of hand sanitizer (last name M-Z)
- 1 box plastic gallon size storage bags (last name M-Z)
K-2 Success Class
Personal Supplies (Please add students name)
- Backpack (large enough for full sized folder)
- Reusable water bottle
Community Supplies (For class use)
- 2 packs - 12 count Ticonderoga pencils
- 1 watercolor paint set 8 colors
- 1 pack 24 ct Crayola
- 2 packs Crayola washable (fat/thick) markers
Optional Community Supplies
- bubbles
- play-dough
- 2 boxes of tissues
- goldfish crackers
- 1 box ziploc gallon bags
- 1 box quart sized ziploc bags
- ·Elmers white glue (large size for class refill)
- dot markers
- 1 container baby wipes
Mr. Hartman's - SAIL
- 1 pencil pouch or box
- 2 packages of 12 count Ticonderoga pencils (yellow or black)
- 1 highlighter
- 1 red pen
- 2 blue or black ink pens
- 1 box of crayons (Crayola)
- 1 Box of markers
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 1 hand held pencil sharpener
- 1 pack of 100 count lined notebook paper
- 3 composition notebooks
- 2 pocket folders
- 4 spiral notebooks
- 1 large pink eraser, or pencil top erasers
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 glue stick
- 2 packs of large (3 x3) sticky notes
- 1 ruler or straight edge w/inches and centimeters
- 1 thumb drive 4-8 GB
Mrs. Perkins - SAIL
NOTE: List built based on what the kids say they need!
- 1 1 to 2-inch binder with 5 divider tabs, or a Case-It
- 1 or 2 desk organizers (pencil pouches, boxes, etc.) to hold school supplies
- 24 pencils (regular, or mechanical with extra lead)
- 6-8 highlighters (different colors recommended but not required)
- 3 ballpoint pens (any color except black)
- 1 box of crayons, 16- or 24-count
- 1 box of colored pencils, 12- or 24-count
- 1 hand-held pencil sharpener with receptacle
- 1 package lined paper
- 4 composition notebooks
- 5 pocket folders
- 1 spiral notebook
- 3 large erasers
- 1 pair scissors
- 4 glue sticks
- 4 pads sticky notes, 3 inches by 3 inches (or close to that)
- 4 pads sticky notes, 2 inches by 1.5 inches (or close to that)
- 1 SMALL stapler and extra staples
- 4 rolls clear Scotch tape (not refills, just regular rolls)
- 1 tray watercolors
- Reusable water bottle
Optional & Recommended:
- 1 set earbuds or headphones
- 1 clipboard
- 1 package washable markers, 10- or 12-count (No Sharpies or permanent markers, please!)
- 1 package pencil-top erasers
- 1 ruler (inches and centimeters)
- 1 box Kleenex (individual-sized packs for kids to store in desk/pocket are encouraged…please don’t send extras for us to store; just keep a supply available at home)
- 1 bottle white-out (no white-out tape)